Home Page for the Zeta Reticuli

Are you trying to read all of these really tiny letters? Isn't it annoying how almost every page on the net nowadays seems to have fine print on it? Usually it is just a bunch of useless crap like disclaimers and legal sutff. But everyonce in a while someone decides to put really important information in really small text. Like it's some kind of eye exam or something. Like the information is only for those with super man vision. Now, how do i make this text bigger......any one seen my magnifying glass around?

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GSIS Operations Room: CLOSED until further notice
Hip Lyrics to a few songs The SGS 2-33 Tragectory Path

This page maintained by Bill Stock umstock8@cc.umanitoba.ca
Glider Pilot Extrodinaire!
Last updated March 28, 1996

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Zeta Reticuli Revelations.

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